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Yonder Mountain String Band 06/25/98
Compilation: Bluegrassholes, Various, IL
Set I
1. High Cross Junction
2. Mary on the Mountain
3. Cat Muffin
4. Mental Breakdown
5. This Lonesome Heart
6. Dawn's Early Light
7. Cold Rain and Snow
8. EMD
9. Bluegrass Breakdown
10. Southern Flavor
11. Working on a Building
12. Let Me Fall
Set II
June 25, 1998 (Tracks 1-6)
November 1, 1997 (Tracks 7-12)
Champaign, IL
"Mom's Mountain Cabin Train to the Lord"

Jeff Austin, Dave Johnston, Ethan James, Dan Broder, Ken Wilson

Tracks 1-6: In the studio
Tracks 7-12: Live at the Illini Inn -Champaign, IL
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
(104276) View Source   
Source: unknown > shn > wav > Flac Frontend(Level 6) > Flac
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