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Allman Brothers Band 03/10/98
Beacon Theatre, New York, NY
Set I
Statesboro Blues, What's Done Is Done, I'm Not Crying, Ramblin' Man, Stand Back, Hot 'Lanta, Back Where It All Begins
Set II
Pony Boy, Weep and Moan, Midnight Blues, Come On In My Kitchen, Melissa, You Don't Love Me, Dreams I'll Never See, Nobody Knows, End Of The Line, In Memory of Elizabeth Reed, E: No One To Run With


Last Changed By System
(84646) View Source   
FOB > Microtech Gefell 200 > Aerco > SBM1 > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT > Tascam 20 MKii > S/PDIF > M-Audio 2496 > CD Wave Editor > WAV > TLH > FLAC [8]
(85913) View Source   
Source: nak 300 mics
(107035) View Source   
Source:Microtech Gefel 200>Aerco>SBM1>Sony D8>DAT 7th row center
Transfer:DAT>Sony R300>Optical>MeritLine USB Adapter>PC>CD Wave>FLAC Frontend (Level 8)
Taped & Transfered: Freddie G
(107973) View Source   
Neumann Km 184 Mics >Lunatec V2 >Benchmark a/d Converter> Tascam Da-p1
Tascam Da-p1 > Korg Mr 1000 @ 1 bit 5/6 Mhz > Audio Gate > Cool Edit Pro > Traders Little Helper
Taper : Mike Springer
Editing : Joe D'Amico ''AKA'' Joebeacon
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
David Bennett (5/5) cd / 3 A A View  
John (5/5) CDR / 3 View  
Rick Martin (5/5) Flac / 3 A View 107973 Neumann Km 184 Mics >Lunatec V2 >Benchmark a/d Converter> Tascam Da-p1
Notes: Complete
CHARLIE W SMITH (5/0) / 0 View  
ArtieL (5/5) DVD / 2 View  
Notes: Audience Shot. 2 Hours 43 Minutes. No One To Run With encore not filmed.
Purple Nation's ABB shows (5/5) FLAC / 2 View   AUD
Mike D's (5/5) DVD / 1 View  
John (5/4.3) / 3 View  
Notes: book 22
mikedeauk (4/5) cd / 3 View  
Notes: w Jack Pearson
mikedeauk (4/5) DVD / 2 View  
Notes: Music is behind the video sync...still watchable-and rare!!
strmmyweathr (4/5) flac / 2 A A View 84646 FOB > Microtech Gefell 200 > Aerco > SBM1 > Tascam DA-P1
Jason Pline (4/5) / 0 View 85913
Micah K (4/1) CD-R / 3 View  
Mike (4/0) / 3 View  
Notes: book 6
Bill Wilson (4/5) cdr / 3 View  
Notes: w Norwegian Wood tease in N K. Jack is scorchin'
joe m (3/5) FLAC / 1 View 107035
joe m (3/5) FLAC / 1 View 107973
Jeff Kaisershot (3/5) FLAC / 0 A View 107973 Neumann Km 184 Mics > Benchmark a/d Converter > Lunatec V2 > Tascam Da-p1
Fred (3/5) CDR / 3 View  
AlanZ (3/0) FLAC / 2 View   DAud>FOB>Microtech Gefell 200> Aerco > SBM-1 > DA-P1>DAT
Notes: FOB > Microtech Gefell 200 > Aerco > SBM1 > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT > Tascam 20 MKii > S/PDIF > M-Audio 2496 > CD Wave Editor > WAV > TLH > FLAC [8]
Dave (2/3) / 3 A View  
Henry Hansen (2/0) CDR / 3 View 84646
Ben McDash (2/5) cdr / 3 View  
Notes: multiple cuts/gaps
phil (1/5) CD-R / 3 View  
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 AUD View  
Notes: AUD TB10
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 AUD View 107035
Notes: AUD
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 AUD View 107973
Notes: AUD TB16
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 AUD View  
Notes: AUD TB11
Purple Nation (1/5) FLAC / 2 View   AUD
Donny Taylor (1/5) cdr / 3 A- View   AUD