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Frank Zappa 08/28/93
Civilization Phaze III - The Demo, n/a, n/a
Set I
"This Is Phaze III"
Put A Motor In Yourself
"Oh - Umm"
They Made Me Eat It
Xmas Values
"You Caught Me, Didn't You?"
Reagan At Bitburg
"A Very Nice Body"
"How The Pigs' Music Works"
Secular Humanism
"Saliva Can Only Take So Much"
Buffalo Voice
"Someplace Else Right Now"
Get A Life
"A Kayak (On Snow)"
Gross Man
"A Tunnel Into Muck"
Dio Fa
"That Would Be The End Of That"
Beat The Reaper
Set II
"I Wish Motorhead Would Come Back"
"Dark Water"
"Have You Ever Heard Their Band?"
Religious Superstition
"Attack! Attack! Attack!"
Life In A Drum
"A Different Octave"
The Partially Answered Question
"This Ain't CNN"
Hip Hop
"The Pigs' Music"
A Pig With Wings
Charles Ives II
"This Is All Wrong" (pt.1)
Why Not?
"This Is All Wrong" (pt.2)
Hot & Putrid
"Flowing Inside Out"
Reverse The Phase On It
"I Had A Dream About That"
Jolly Good Fellow
"Why Not?"
"Put A Little Motor In 'Em"
"You're Just Insulting Me, Aren't You?"
"Cold Light Generation"
Let's Dance
What Happened To The Music?
"Here She Goes Again"
We're Not In Kansas Anymore
"So I Can Get Fucked Up"
Last Changed By BaarfingPumpkin
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