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Syd Barrett ??/??/68
"Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind", Various, Various
Set I
Silas Lang (RM1 - Take 1) - 68/05/06
Swan Lee (instrumental overdub - take 5) - 68/05/28
Swan Lee (vox without overdub - take 5) - 68/05/28
Swan Lee (instrumental + overdub - take 5) - 68/05/28
Rhamadan - 68/05/14
Golden Hair (unmixed instrumental) - 68/05/14
Clowns & Jugglers (mixing session) - 68/07/20 + 69/04/10
Clowns & Jugglers (alternative) - 68/07/20 + 69/04/10
Opel (take 9) - 69/04/11
Opel (unedited / unmixed) - 69/04/11
Love You (slow acoustic - take 2) - 69/04/11
Dark Globe (version 2 - duet) - 69/06/12
Long Gone (acoustic) - 69/06/12
She Take A Long Gone (unedited / unmixed) - 69/07/25
Terrapin (John Peel Sessions) - 70/02/24
Gigolo Aunt (John Peel Sessions) - 70/02/24
Baby Lemonade (John Peel Sessions) - 70/02/24
Effervescing Elephant (John Peel Sessions) - 70/02/24
Two Of A Kind (John Peel Sessions) - 70/02/24
Set II
Maisie (takes 1 and 2) - 70/02/26
Rats (takes 1 and 2 - spoken intro) - 70/06/05
Wined And Dined (takes 1 and 2) - 70/06/05
Bardie Hop - 70/06/05
Milky Way (unedited / unmixed) - 70/06/07
Word Song (unedited / unmixed) - 70/07/17
Baby Lemonade (Bob Harris Show) - 71/02/16
Dominos (Bob Harris Show) - 71/02/16
Love Song (Bob Harris Show) - 71/02/16
Instrumental 1 - 74/11/00
If You Go,Don't Let Go - 74/11/00
Instrumental 3 - 74/11/00
Instrumental 4 - 74/11/00
Instrumental 5 - 74/11/00
Instrumental 6 - 74/11/00
a mix of studio and radio sessions
Last Changed By Rick Martin
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