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Nirvana ??/??/03
The Story of Nirvana - MuchMoreMusic, Toronto, ON
Set I
Interviews with Charles Cross, Jonathan Poneman, Kurt - Krist - Dave, Les McKeown (Bay City Rollers), Doug Fieger (The Knack), Gavin Rossdale (Bush), Adam Duritz (Counting Crows), Kim Deal (The Pixies/The Breeders), Frank Black (The Pixies), Courtney Love, Mike Fasand (Warrant), Brett Michaels (Poisen), Jack Endino, Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode) and others.
Various Nirvana audio & video clips throughout.
A very decent retrospective on the explosive entry and exit of what has to be one of the most influential bands of all time, Nirvana !
Set II
47 min documentary from 2003 broadcast on MuchMoreMusic (Canada).
Last Changed By Fähigalex
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