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Solar Circus 05/25/91
Arrowhead Ranch, Parksville, NY
Set I

All Here Together
Steve Song (??)
Into Tomorrow
Leagalize It
Path to Your Heart
The Core
One More Time
Love's My thing
Twilight Dance
White Rabbit
Spin Song
Road Of Life
Set II

Folsom Prison Blues
Don't Let Go
Werewolves of London
Heartbeat Rhythm & Time
Viola Lee Blues
Steve Song (??)
Experimental Song
Gates Of Heaven
Set 3 with Buddy Cage on Pedal Steel
First National Tapers Convention
Last Changed By randy jackson
(97301) View Source   
SBD-> Panasonic SV-255 DAT -> Soundblaster Audigy 2 (44.1K/16 bit) -> Cooledit -> FLAC Frontend -> traders little helper
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
stephen (5/4.8) FLAC / 2 SBD View  
Michael McMullan (2/5) CDR/FLAC / 3 A View 97301 SBD
Notes: Set I and III only
LossLess Legs (1/0) CDR / 2 View 97301 SBD-> Panasonic SV-255 DAT
Notes: 2/1/2009 - ajax25