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Trey Anastasio 05/17/99
Flynn Theatre, Burlington, VT
Set I
: Farmhouse, Snowflakes in the Sand, Brian and Robert, driver, Back on the Train, Mountains in the Mist, Runaway Jim, Billy Breathes*
Set II
Then Trey introduced the Tuttle Middle school jazz band led by Dave "the Truth" Grippo and played 'In the mood" and "Jumpin at the woodside". Then Trey came out with the electric guitar and played a James Brown song with the Jazz
II: The Wind Cries Mary, Heavy Things, First Tube, Ooh Child, Sand > Drums, I Can Hear Clearly Now, Aqui Como Alla, Free Thought, Then Came You**, Last Tube**

E: Further On Up The Road***, Voodoo Child (slight return)****
* - with Trey on Page's baby grand piano
** - with the Fredrick Tuttle Middle School Jazz Band and Dave Grippo
*** - with Dave Grippo, Mike Gordon, Page McConnell and Jon Fishman
**** - with Phish
Thanks to The Phish.Net, Julia Mordaunt, Mike King and John Thomson for the setlist! Thanks to [email protected] for the Tuttle school info
Last Changed By Ben Mohr
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Neumann km184 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Tascam DA-20 mkII > Apogee SPIDIF > ZA2 > Soundforge 4.5 > CD Wav > mkwACT > SHN; Transferred by Jason Musante
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