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Leadbelly 12/07/09
BBC - A Secret History of Rock and Roll, London, England
Set I
Lead Belly - Boll Weevil (from WNYC Radio archive)
Ram Jam - Black Betty
Lead Belly - Black Betty
Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
Lead Belly - Black Girl
Lead Belly - Rock Island Line
The Beach Boys - Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song)
Lead Belly - Whoa Back, Buck
Lead Belly - Chicken Crowing for Midnight (from WNYC Radio archive)
Lead Belly - Didn't Ol' John Cross the Water
Lonnie Donegan - Pick a Bale of Cotton
Lead Belly - Pick a Bale of Cotton (from WNYC Radio archive)
The Beach Boys - Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song)
Lead Belly - Cotton Fields
Lead Belly - Goodnight, Irene
Lead Belly - Cow Cow Yicky Yea / Out On the Western Plains
Lead Belly - If It Wasn't for Dicky
Andy Williams - Kisses Sweeter than Wine
Jean Ritchie - Hangman
Lead Belly - Gallis Pole
Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole
Lead Belly - Fannin Street
Lead Belly - C. C. Rider
The Animals - C C Rider
Lead Belly - Good Morning Blues
Lead Belly - Red Cross Store Blues
Lead Belly - TB Blues
Lead Belly - Don't You Love Your Daddy No More?
Lead Belly - Ham and Eggs
Lead Belly - Go Down Old Hannah
Lead Belly - Midnight Special
Lead Belly - Blind Lemon
Set II
BBC Radio Special.

It's staggering to contemplate just how different popular music would sound today had the blues remained the sole preserve of rural communities in the American South. Without the influence of field hollers and 12-bar chord progressions, it's doubtful that rock 'n' roll would have happened at all. One of the most authentic exponents of early blues was Huddie Ledbetter, better known as Lead Belly, whose discovery and promotion by John Lomax in the 1930s introduced a wealth of Louisiana cotton-field folk songs into the public consciousness. Eric Burdon explores Lead Belly's life, work and lasting musical legacy.
Last Changed By BluesFan
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