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Old & In The Way 03/02/73
The Record Plant, Sausalito, CA
Set I
Goin' to the Races, Dark Hollow, Katie Dear, New Camptown Races, Two Little Boys, Home Is Where the Heart Is, Down Where the River Bends, Knockin on Your Door, Old & in the Way Breakdown
Set II
Last Changed By Joe Jupille
(11886) View Source   
Old & In The Way: Probable MFR > R > D > CD > SHN.
(20465) View Source   
Old & In the Way: FM MSR>R>D>CD; appears to be identical to seed but with different md5s; obtained from tol.
(84871) View Source   
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Alex Bushe (1/5) CD-R / 1 View   FM
Notes: broadcast on KSAN-San Francisco
aikox2 (1/4.9) / 0 View  
Geoff MacNaughton (1/5) 1 / 1 A- View   FM SBD
Mark Diamond (1/3) / 1 View 11886
Peter James (1/4.8) cdr / 1 View  
DrGoody (1/5) Shn / 1 View   FM MSR>R>D>CD
Israel Frankel (1/0) flac cd-r / 1 View 84871
Notes: This and 11/4/73 make 2 cds altogether.
Israel Frankel (1/0) flac cd-r / 1 View 84871
Curtis Ensler (1/0) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: FM>Rm>Reel>Dat>CD
Bret (1/0) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: Philler on Phish 11/3/90 d3
steelerr (1/4.6) shn, 1cd / 1 View  
Dan O (1/5) FLAC / 1 B View  
Notes: I have two versions of this
Morey Garelick (1/0) CD / 1 View  
Dave H. in DC (1/5) 1cdr/1shn / 1 View   FM MSR>R>D>CD
Notes: Old And In The Way FRI 03/02/73 The Record Plant, Sausalito, CA Early Show? Recordings: FM MSR>R>D>CD 01 - Going To The Races 02 - Dark Hollow 03 - Katie Dear 04 - New Camptown Races 05 - Two Little Boys 06 - Home Is Where the Heart Is 07 - Down Where the River Bends 08 - Knockin' On Your Door 09 - Old & In The Way Breakdown Comments: Radio show broadcasted on KSAN-San Francisco.
Patrick Hitt (1/5) shn / 1 View 11886
Notes: FM MSR>R>D>CD
arthur (1/4.9) shn / 1 View 11886
Tommy Danscuk (1/5) CD / 1 View   FM > Reel
jfsmith (1/0) flac / 1 View  
Danny Smack (1/5) / 1 A View   FM>MR>R>D>CD
Danny Smack (1/5) / 1 View   FM MSR>R>D>CD
Notes: KSAN broadcast
Eric S. (1/5) / 0 View 84871
Brian Hadella (1/4) CDR / 1 View   FM MSR>R>D>CD
David Backus (1/5) DVD+R/SHN / 1 View 11886 SBD (FM)
Malibu Jesus (1/5) CDR / 1 A View   FM Broadcast
Notes: On same disc as "Mike Bloomfield & Friends" - 2/19/71
BluesFan (1/5) FLAC / 0 View  
Charlie (1/5) cdr / 1 View  
Charlie (1/5) cdr / 2 View  
LarryO (1/5) / 0 View  
Ken Doughty (1/5) shn / 1 A+ View 11886 sbd
Notes: Recordings: FM MSR>R>D>CD
Maria Reine (1/0) CD-R / 1 View  
Notes: Unknown source (possibly a soundboard recording?)/FM broadcast (KSAN-FM, a San Francisco station) > ? > DAT > ? > CD-R > ? > SHN. SHN[max200c].