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Steve Kimock Band 12/06/97
Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA
Set I
Bad Hair (White Strat)
Why Can't We All Just Samba? (twin pedal steel)
Baby Baby (Explorer)
Cowboy (Charvelle)
If You Only Knew (Gibson)
Mr. Potato Head (White Strat)
Set II
Tangled Hangers (White Strat)
Spitfire (Gibson)
Rollin' and Tumblin' (Charvelle w/slide)
Stella Blue (White lap steel guitar),(Modulus)
It's Up To You (Explorer)
Footprints ** (Cripes),(Modulus)
Cole's Law (White Strat),(accordian)

Pete's jig...Steel Guitar Rag (White lap steel)
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