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Kansas 07/03/11
The Crystal Palace, Pontiac, MI
Set I
Point Of No Return
Song For America
On The Other Side
Hold On
Dust In The Wind
The Wall
Miracles Out Of Nowhere
Icarus - Born On Wings Of Steel
Portrait (He Knew)
Fight Fire With Fire
Carry On My Wayward Sun
Set II
Last Changed By Tim Devine
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Tim Devine (4/5) cdr / 1 a View  
Notes: Kansas The Crystal Palace Pontiac, Illinois July 3, 2011 'Songs for Pontiac' The show was plagued with problems from the beginning but the band powered through and put on an energetic 80 minute set. Great recording of a nice open-air show. This was day-2 of the Freedom Festival in Pontiac. The show was held in an open field behind the Crystal Palace club.
Charlie (1/0) / 0 View