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Van Morrison ??/??/68
1968-1970 demos, Various, Various
Set I
=== Summer 1968 solo publishing demos, New York, NY ===
Bayou Girl
The Way Young Lovers Do
=== Summer 1968 publishing demos, New York, NY ===
Bayou Girl
Magic Night
I Need Your Kind Of Loving Part 1
I Need Your Kind Of Loving Part 2
Mona Mona
=== Summer 1969 Moondance album demos, New York, NY ===
Brand New Day
Come Running
These Dreams Of You
And It Stoned Me
Set II
=== Summer 1969 Moondance album demos, New York, NY ===
You Set My Soul On Fire
Come Running [fast version]
=== December 1969 Warner Music publishing demos, New York, NY ===
Standing On A Corner
Bit By Bit
If I Ever Needed Someone
If You Rock Me
If I Had A Rainbow
Domino [with flute]
Hey, Where Are You?
Lorna / By The River
On A Rainy Afternoon
I Can't Get It Straight
=== 1970 Warner Music publishing demos, New York, NY ===
Domino [harmony version]
Domino ["rap" version]
Domino [2nd "rap" version]
When The Evening Sun Goes Down [jazz version]
Lorna [with band]
Wild Night [with band]

1968-1970 demos
Last Changed By Jack Warner
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