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Queens of the Stone Age 06/15/13
Donnington Festival, Castle Donnington, England
Set I
Feel Good Hit Of The Summer
You Think I Aint Worth A Dollar But I Feel Like A Millionaire
Sick Sick Sick
First It Giveth
No One Knows
Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Hanging Tree
Little Sister
I Appear Missing
My God Is The Sun
Go With The Flow
Song For The Deaf
Set II


Last Changed By Mike Marteny
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Mike Marteny (5/5) cdr / 1 A View   SPCMC4>R09>FLAC>CDR(1)
Notes: 59:27
Michael Leslie (5/5) HDTV / 1 View   SkyArtsHD > 1080i
gauloisesblondes (3/5) flac / 1 View  
Notes: watch tech notes for source-info