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Billy Martin (illy B) 11/10/12
Bear Creek Music & Art Festival, Spir...Music Park, Live Oak, FL
Set I
Unknown, Pick Pocket, Mean Greens, Deep In A Fried Pickle, Unknown, Little Shimmy, Sketchy#
Set II


# with Skerik (saxophone), Natalie Cressman (trombone) & Will Benard (guitar)
Last Changed By Tom Luhrs
(127197) View Source   
Billy Martin & Wil Blades Duo; flac16; Busman BSC1 K1(Cards) >Gakcables >Fostex FR-2LE (16/44) >CF Card (FOB in Sbd Cage); Wavelab 5 (Resample/Dithering/Fades) >CD Wave (Tracking) >TLH >Flac 16 (Level 8)>Tagged with Foobar 2000
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