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Medeski Martin & Wood 02/17/01
Shinjuku Liquid Room, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Set I
ONE SET ONLY: Improv Intro > Partido Alto > Africa > We Are Rolling, Is There Anybody Here That Love My Jesus, The Lover > The Dropper > Big Time > Drum Solo > Felic > No Ke Ano Ahiahi > Bass Solo > Chubb Sub

Encore: Moti Mo
Set II
Last Changed By duggy
(4455) View Source   
DFOB - AKG 480/ck69 > SX-M2 > SBM-1; Conversion: Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard, Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking, by Louie Rendek; DAT seed by JJ Clifton
(4885) View Source   
AUD: AKG480/CK69> SX-M2> SBM-1> CDR> EAC> SHN; Taper: Hisahiko Shimura; CD> d2 retracking> SHN transfer by: George Day; distributed by George via "MMW Tokyo vine"
(26146) View Source   
flac16; Source: AKG 489> Sonosax> SBM-1, taper Yutaka Enomoto; Transfer: DAT 16/48 > VX-Pocket> WaveLab 4.0> dither> 16/44.1> CD Wave Editor (tracking)> FLAC16 (V 1.7.1), Russell S. Hergesell
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