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Moody Blues 10/26/13
Silver Legacy Casino, Reno, NV
Set I
Gemini Dream
The Voice
Steppin' In A Slide Zone
Peak Hour
I Know Your Out There Somewhere
The Story In Your Eyes
Your Wildest Dreams
Isn't Life Strange
Graeme Edge Intro to Higher and Higher
Higher And Higher
Tuesday Afternoon
I'm Just A Singer In A Rock And Roll Band
Nights In White Satin
Ride My See-Saw
Set II


Graeme Edge - drums, percussion, vocals
Justin Hayward - guitar, vocals
John Lodge - bass, guitar, vocals
Gordon Marshall - drums, percussion
Norda Mullen - flute, guitar, percussion, vocals
Julie Ragins - keyboards, percussion, guitar, saxophone, vocals
Alan Hewitt - keyboards, vocals
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