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Allman Brothers Band 07/09/70
State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY
Set I
Midnight Rider
Elizabeth Reed
Whipping Post ->
Mountain Jam
Set II


Seth Dworken's recording of the 7/9/1970 Stony Brook Summer Orientation Pre-Concert.
Last Changed By phil
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
David Bennett (5/5) cd / 1 A A View  
Rick Martin (5/5) Flac / 1 A View   Seth Dworken's recording of the 7/9/1970 Stony Brook Summer Orientation Pre-Concert Quasi-Stereo...
Notes: SBD
Grayson Kimball (4/4.8) CDR / 1 A+ View  
Notes: Set 1
Edgar H (4/5) / 1 A A View   Incredible 2017 SBD find - lovingly remastered by Masahiko Yamaura for the forum...
Freebird 63 (4/5) cdr / 1 A View   audience?
Notes: A fairly boring rehearsal. Nothing special really.
joe m (3/5) FLAC / 1 View   Source: Mono Soundboard > Ampex 300 or 301 > Scotch professional 1/4 > ??? > wav 16/44.1 -...
phil (1/5) CD-R / 1 View  
CDJones (1/5) FLAC/CDR / 1 View   Seth Dworken's recording of the 7/9/1970 Stony Brook Summer Orientation Pre-Concert Quasi-Stereo...
Notes: Dworken
Brian (1/0) FLAC / 0 View  
Notes: Masahiko Remaster
Michael SCA (0/0) / 1 View  
Notes: remastered