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Joy Division ??/??/39
Interviews (2014 update), Compilation, Compilation
Set I
01. T. Wilson, S. Morris & T. Mason interview - "Something Else" BBC2 TV (15 September 1979) / 00:42

02. I. Curtis, S. Morris & M. Hannett interviewed by R. Skinner - "Rock On", BBC Radio 1 (September 1979) / 06:16

03. "Northern Lights" interview with I. Curtis - Castle Pub, Manchester, UK (11 October 1979) / 06:27

04. I. Curtis interview - Radio Blackburn (April 1980) / 06:42

05. I. Curtis & B. Sumner - Past Regression Therapy session (May 1980) [fragment] / 01:24
Set II


01 - Mix of "Substance" VHS & master film
02 - Recording of FM radio broadcast (1980s)
03 - Very low. gen. tape of master
04 - Recording of FM radio broadcast (1980s) / Converted from lossy (thanks to GriefTourist)
05 - Part of Grant Gee's "Joy Division" movie

See for JD Central's annotation.
Last Changed By Thiago
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