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Bob Dylan ??/??/58
Various, Various, Various
Set I
(1) Hey Little Richard, Buzz Buzz Buzz, Jenny Jenny, We Belong Together
(2) Red Rosey Bush, Johnny I Hardly Knew You, Jesus Christ, Streets Of Glory, K.C. Moan, Blue Yodel No. 8, Roving Gambler, Talking Columbia, Talking Merchant Marine, Talking Hugh Brown, Talking Lobbyist
(3) [w/Jim Kweskin] San Francisco Bay Blues, Great Divide
(4) Billy James interview excerpts
(5) Ballad Of Donald White, Wichita (Going To Louisiana), Acne, Rocks And Gravel, Long Time Man, Ranger's Command
(6) Blowin' In The Wind, Ballad Of The Gliding Swan
Set II
(1) John Bucklen Tape (Hibbing, MN); 1958 [broadcast excerpts]
(2) Minnesota Party Tape (Minneapolis, MN); September 1960
(3) Gerdes Folk City (New York, NY); September 29, 1961
(4) Billy James Interview (New York, NY); Fall 1961
(5) Cynthia Gooding Apartment Tape (New York, NY); March 1962
(6) Madness On Castle Street (London, UK); December 30, 1962 or January 4, 1963
Last Changed By Skip Jenkins
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