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Ween 12/14/18
The Met, Philadelphia, PA
Set I
Pork Roll Egg and Cheese, The HIV Song, Chocolate Town, Freedom of '76, The Grobe, Waving My Dick in the Wind, Object, Nan, Mister Would You Please Help My Pony?, Don't Shit Where You Eat, Voodoo Lady, The Argus, I Gots a Weasel, Boy's Club, Never Squeal> Improvisation> Never Squeal, Zoloft, Take Me Away, Fiesta, Buckingham Green, Albino Sunburned Girl, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), With My Own Bare Hands, Happy Colored Marbles, Exactly Where I'm At, Wayne's Pet Youngin, Touch My Tooter

E: Loop de Loop, Ocean Man, The Mollusk, Fluffy
Set II


Radar Love, Roadhouse Blues teases during Take Me Away
Linus and Lucy tease during Fiesta
Last Changed By Greg Yurkovic
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