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The Jammys 06/22/00
Irving Plaza, New York, NY
Set I
Disc One:

01: Intro 00:38.56
02: Watermelon Man # 24:54.63
03: "Jammy's Theme" & 12:46.13
04: tribute to Bill Monroe % 14:04.64
05: musician's award 07:55.19
given to Soulive

Total 60:19.65

Disc Two:

01: reference to Bob Dylan @ 21:26.59
02: writer of the year award 07:22.60
studio album of the year award
given to Percy Hill
03: jam ! 20:57.11
04: spoken tribute to Dick Latvala 08:51.55
live album of the year award
given to Moe
new groove award
given to Fat Mama
05: jam + 10:22.25

Total 70:00.60

Disc Three:

01: jam ^ 10:06.41
02: c08:08.61
given to BB King
booking agent award
03: Everybody's Everything -> ~ 06:28.72
(Santana tune)
04: I'm The Slime ~ 09:56.01
(Frank Zappa tune)
05: home grown music award 10:52.68
given to Strangefolk
live set of the year award
given to Phish

Total 45:43.18

Disc Four:

01: classical piano piece * 10:19.60
02: Have A Cigar -> ** 07:19.46
(Pink Floyd tune)
03: Tomorrow Never Knows ** 21:22.14
(Beatles tune)
04: fan site of the year award 09:02.20
given to
radio station award
05: Scarlet Begonias -> $$ 05:19.55
(Grateful Dead tune)
06: Fire On The Mountain $$ 11:42.57
(Grateful Dead tune)

Total 65:06.27

Disc Five:

01: jam of the year award 08:42.37
given to Disco Biscuits
release of the year award
given to Grateful Dead
02: It's Your Thing && 17:46.32

Total 26:30.69

# Fuzz, Merl Saunders, John Scofield, Marc Friedman, Eric Kalb, Jonny Durkin,
Rob Somerville & Volo (from DBB on horns), and TK (from Foxtrot Zulu).
& Peter Prince, followed by some awards given out.
% the New Deal did a tribute to the music of bluegrass great Bill Monroe.
@ The Slip referenced the music of Bob Dylan in this jam.
! Soulive and John Scofield.
+ Frogwings featuring Butch Trucks, Derek Trucks, Oteil Burbridge, Kofi
Burbridge, Jimmy Herring, and Mark Quinones.
^ Frogwings (see above note) with Susan Tedeschi joining them.
~ Deep Banana Blackout.
* Disco Biscuits.
** Disco Biscuits with Les Claypool.
$$ Strangefolk with Merl Saunders.
&& Jen Durkin and Peter Prince on vocals, Eric Krasno and Brad Barr on guitar,
Andrew Barr and Jim Loughlin on percussion, Fuzz, and the brass mentioned above.

* There was a pop during crowd noise after music in d1t03, from the PA.
* There was a brief spot of diginoise in d1t04.
* There was a DAT flip after d3t01, so a fade out/in was put in place.
* The last jam (It's Your Thing) was on a separate DAT, so there was a fade out/in
placed after Fire On The Mountain.

* compiled by Louie Rendek on June 7, 2001.
Set II
Last Changed By Adam Feinberg
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