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Phish 02/24/22
Moon Palace Cancun, Cancun, Mexico
Set I
The Lizards
The Moma Dance >
Peaches en Regalia
I Never Needed You Like This Before
Funky Bitch >
Tweezer ->
Piper ->
Soul Planet ->
Meat >
The Howling >
Tube >
Sigma Oasis
Set II
So Damn Lucky[1]
The Maker[2]
Tweezer Reprise[2]

1] Phish debut; with Dave Matthews on guitar and vocals.
[2] With Dave Matthews on guitar and vocals.

This show featured two bustouts: Peaches en Regalia, which was performed for the first time since July 22, 2017 (138 shows), and The Maker, which was performed for the first time since October 15, 1994 (997 shows). So Damn Lucky also made its Phish debut at this show. Tweezer contained Freddie's Dead teases from Trey and The Lizards teases from Trey and Page. Trey teased Tweezer in Soul Planet and Tube. Trey teased Smoke on the Water in Meat. The encore featured Dave Matthews on guitar and vocals.
Last Changed By mike toda
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