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Phish 02/26/22
Moon Palace Cancun, Cancun, Mexico
Set I
Twist ->
Your Pet Cat >
Divided Sky[2]
Wolfman's Brother >
Set II
Set Your Soul Free >
Simple ->
Scents and Subtle Sounds >
Crosseyed and Painless ->
Waste >
Blaze On
The Wedge
Sleeping Monkey >
Slave to the Traffic Light
[1] Contained Axilla II ending.
[2] During the pause, Trey asked Chris Kuroda to turn off the lights.

Axilla contained the Axilla II ending. Trey teased the theme from Speed Racer in Twist. Trey asked Chris Kuroda to turn off the lights during the pause in Divided Sky, and said "don't shine that thing in my face." Trey teased Fields of Gold in Crosseyed and Painless. Sleeping Monkey was dedicated to their hosts and the beautiful beings that welcomed Phish to their home and contained a Shipwreck quote.
Last Changed By mike toda
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