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Trey Anastasio 05/04/99
Murat Theater, Indianapolis, IN
Set I
Dog Stole Things, Mountains in the Mist*, Snowflakes in the Sand, Purple Hugh**, Talk, Bathtub Gin***, Kissing By Mist****, New Train Song, Wading in a Velvet Sea, Chalkdust Torture
Set II
(Melody?)^^^, First Tube, Ooh Child, Bell-Bottom Blues, Heavy Thing (new original), Wind (or Bug? new original), Somartin, Andre the Giant, I Can See Clearly Now, Pistol#, Drums Duel##, Voodoo Child
E: Row Jimmy, Last Tube -> Downtown

*Part of the mist series? (Formerly Bake & Boil), ** Formerly Minestone, *** Audience humming chorus, and whistling ending, Trey thumbs up the crowd and says, "We'll be back in 4 years to play that again here" dedicated to Ali and Jesse, for naming the song "Ministroni", **** new song for Julia Butterfly Hill, a woman sitting in a tree named Luna in northern California for a year and a half to protest logging of the nation's forests (more info...) -, ^^^ Billy Preston tune; title unknown, # listed as Sympton last night, ## there's a smaller drum kit to the left of the bass. duel was similar to Monday night's
Last Changed By Chris Havens
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B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1
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