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Wilco 11/18/00
First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
Set I
1. Kamera
2. Sunken Treasure
3. Red Eyed Blue
4. Someone Elses Song
5. How To Fight Lonliness
6. Hotel Arizona
7. I Am Always In Love
8. Reservations
9. Airplane to Heaven
10. Feed of Man
11. Christ For President
12. Hesitating Beauty
13. Box Full of Letters
Set II
1. Should've Been In Love
2. She's A Jar
3. A Shot In The Arm
4. Misunderstood
5. Forget the Flowers
6. California Stars
7. New Madrid
8. Monday
9. Kingpin
10. Won't Get Fooled Agian/Outta Site (outtamind)
Last Changed By Tom Wilder
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