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Medeski Martin & Wood 11/03/99
Bogart's, Cincinnati, OH
Set I
One Set Only: Ancora > Coconut Boogaloo > Wiggly's Way, Shacklyn Knights > Open Improv > Hard Left* > Improv > Open Improv > Hey-Hee-Hi-Ho, Brigas Nunca Mais > Just Like I Pictured It, The Lover > Partido Alto > Drum Solo, Blue Pepper, Moti Mo
E: Bass Solo > Chubb Sub
Set II
w/ DJ Logic from The Lover to end of show

* Of note, is the identification of the tune Hard Left -- the song is an outtake from The Dropper recording sessions. Also played live on 11/5/1999.

Now, I'm quite certain the track in 11/5 is indeed Hard Left, but I'm not quite sure about this version from 11/3 -- it sounds very similar, but also a little different (especially the bass line; and John uses different keys on 11/3, but the "melody" sounds comparable).
-- note by dug (Oct 2009)
Last Changed By duggy
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Schoeps CMC 521 > Sonosax > AD1000 (5' FOB); via Ross Carlson to furthurnet
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