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Robert Randolph [and the Family Band] 06/23/02
Bonnaroo Festival - Ballroom Stage, Manchester, TN
Set I
The Prayer
I Get Joy w/ 3 Stroke Lyrics*
You Gotta Move
Thank You
Country Jam# >
Tears of Joy
I Don't Know (Remix)
Set II
*Luther Dickinson on Guitar
^ Sanford and Son tease
# I'll Fly Away tease
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
(16446) View Source   
Source: AKG CK61 > Active Cables > JK LABS DVC > 24 Bit Mod. SBM-1 > PCM-M1 @ 48Khz Location: FOB, approx 50' from stage, DFC DAT > CD Transfer: Tascam DA-30 > Digital Coax > Audiowerk2 > Samplitude > Cool Edit Pro > MKW Audio Compression Tool
(16447) View Source    View Archive
Source: B&K 4022 (x-y) > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD500E (DFC FOB) Transfer: Sony D8 > Delta Dio 24/96 via coax > Soundforge 5.0 (resampled to 44.1khz) > CDWave -> mkwACT; Taped By: Craig Davis Transferred By: Jim Pollock
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Chris Davis (0/5) cdr / 1 B View   audience
evas (0/0) cdr/data / 1 View 16447
phil bey (0/0) / 0 View  
Todd Fleming (0/5) CDR / 1 A A View   MBHO 603/KA200N (ORTF FOB) -> V2 -> SBM-1
Bruce (0/0) CD-R / 1 View  
dustin cook (0/0) / 1 View  
Duane Currey (0/5) wav / 1 View   MBHO 603a/ka200's>V2>mod.SBM-1>M1>CD-RW700
Lou (0/5) / 0 View  
Todd Parker (0/0) / 0 View  
Rob Arken (0/5) / 0 View  
Eric Hehl (0/0) shn / 1 View   B&K 4022 (XY)-> Lunatec V2-> Apogee AD500E DFC FOB
Wookie (0/5) CDR / 1 A View   MBHO 603a/ka200's>V2>mod.SBM-1>M1>CD-RW700
Todd Betker (0/0) Cd-r / 1 View   MBHO 603/KA200N (ORTF FOB)>V2>SBM-1>D8
Dave (0/4.5) CDR / 1 A A View   MBHO 603/KA200N (ORTF FOB) -> V2 -> SBM-1 -> D8
Tim Markham (0/0) DAT / 1 View  
Notes: FOB B&K 4022->V2->AD500e
Charlie Nelson (0/0) / 1 View  
moe.ron (0/0) CDR / 1 A- View  
Pat (0/5) CD / 1 A View   B&K 4022 (XY)-> Lunatec V2-> Apogee AD500E DFC FOB
Notes: This guy jams!!!
Jonathan Dowdell (0/4.7) shn / 1 A+ View   B&K 4022 (XY)-> Lunatec V2-> Apogee AD500E DFC FOB >
Notes: @
Nick S. (0/0) / 0 View  
Michael Hochman (0/0) SHN / 1 View  
Rick (0/5) cdr / 1 View   DFC FOB B&K 4022 (XY)-> Lunatec V2-> Apogee AD500E
Notes: Bonnaroo
Matt W (0/5) CD-R/1 SHN / 1 B View   B&K 4022 (XY)-> Lunatec V2-> Apogee AD500E DFC FOB > Sony D8-> Delta Dio 24/96 via...
David Meyer (0/0) SHN / 1 View   B&K 4022 (XY) > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD500E
ak (0/0) CDR / 1 View   MBHO 603/KA200N (ORTF FOB) -> V2 -> SBM-1 -> D8
Cap'n Panic (0/0) SHN / 1 A A View 16447 B&K 4022 (XY)-> Lunatec V2-> Apogee AD500E DFC FOB
K E V I N (0/4.8) cdr / 1 A View   AKG CK61 (FOB, approx 50' from stage, DFC) > Active Cables > JK LABS DVC > 24 Bit Mod....
Notes: do you bonnaroo?
Eric Devin (0/4.4) CD-R / 1 AA A View  
Ryan Snyder (0/0) SHN / 1 A- View   aud
kyle reece (0/0) cdr / 1 View   AKG CK61 > Active Cables > JK LABS DVC > 24 Bit Mod. SBM-1 > PCM-M1 @ 48Khz