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Bob Dylan 06/23/78
Feyenoord Stadion, Rotterdam, Holland
Set I
A hard rain's a gonna fall
Love her with a feeling
Baby stop crying
Mr tambourine man
Shelter from the storm
Love minus zero/No limits
Tangled up in blue
Ballad of a thin man
Maggie's farm
I don't believe you
Like a rolling stone
I shall be released
Going going gone
Rainy day women/One of us must know
Set II
You're a big girl now
One more cup of coffee
Blowin in the wind
I want you
Masters of war
Just like a woman
Don't think twice, it's alright
All along the watchtower
All I really want to do
Introduction of the band
It's alright ma, I'm only bleeding
Forever young
I'll be your baby tonight
The times they are a-changin
Supported by Champion Jack Dupree, Lake and Eric Clapton.
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
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