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Bob Dylan ??/??/01
Live "Love & Theft" Compilation, Various, Various
Set I
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum-10-06-01
Summer Days-10-10-01
Lonesome Day Blues-10-28-01
Floater (Too Much Too Ask)-11-11-01
High Water (For Charley Patton)-10-28-01
Honest With Me-11-24-01
Po' Boy-11-06-01
Cry a While-11-20-01
Sugar Baby-10-06-01
Man of Constant Sorrow (from mp3 source expanded to .wav from 04-05-02 Sweden)
Set II
Live versions of all of the songs on "Love & Theft" compiled by Dan Capshaw - [email protected]
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