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Michael Hurley 06/03/01
Tonic, New York, NY
Set I
Portland Water
She's Got The Money Too - C.T.Lockwood/Johnny Wild
Cars, Jars, & Guitars
El Dorado - Edgar Allan Poe/M.Hurley
Room Full Of Roses - Tim Spencer
National Weed Growers' Association
Blockade Stillers
I Paint A Design
How Many Biscuits Can You Eat [trad.?]
The Rue Of Ruby Whores
Price To Pay - Lucinda Williams
Set II
Puttin' Sugar
Dog Dizzy - Gail Valentine/M.Hurley
Woody Woodpecker Song - George F.Tibbles/Ramey Idriss
Sweet Lucy
Uncle Smoochface
Waitin' On The Aliens
Ditty Boy Twang [Bukka's Jitterbug Swing] - Bukka White/M.Hurley
What Made My Hamburger Disappear? - Jeffrey Frederick
In a Dress - Kenny Roby


Beggar's Terms
You'll Never Go To Heaven
Last Changed By Shawnee
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