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Bob Dylan 11/17/71
The Record Plant, New York, NY
Set I
Vomit Express [record Plant, New York, Ny; November 17, 1971]
Going To San Diego [same As T1]
Om My Soul Shalom [same As T1]
Nurse's Song [same As T1]
Jimmy Berman Rag [same As T1]
Many Loves [same As T1]
Prajnaparamitra Sutra [same As T1]
September On Jessore Road [record Plant, New York, Ny; November 20, 1971]
September On Jessore Road [unidentified]
September On Jessore Road [unidentified]
The Tyger [unidentified]
A Dream [same As T1]
Do The Meditation [rundown Studio, Santa Monica, Ca; February 13, 1982]
Airplane Blues [same As T13]
Airplane Blues [same As T13]
Set II
Dylan-Ginsberg Sessions
Last Changed By Dan Anderson
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