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Bob Dylan 07/29/03
Office Depot Center, Sunrise, FL
Set I
Maggie's Farm (Bob on piano)
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on pedal steel)
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on piano)
Joey (Bob on piano and harp)
Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on piano)
Queen Jane Approximately (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on pedal steel)
Drifter's Escape (Bob on piano and harp)
Sugar Baby (Bob on piano)
Honest With Me (Bob on piano, Larry on slide guitar)
Summer Days (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass)

Dylan sit-in with the Dead:
Alabama Getaway (Bob on piano)
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Bob on piano)
West LA Fadeaway (Bob on piano)
Set II
Last Changed By Dominick
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