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Lou Reed 11/25/76
Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA
Set I
Intro Jam - Sweet Jane - I Believe In Love - Lisa Says - Kicks - She's My Best Friend - I'm Waiting For The Man - Sheltered Life - You Were It So Well - Claim To Fame - Vicious Circle - Walk On The Wild Side - Coney Island Baby - Rock And Roll Heart - Charley's Girl - Kill Your Sons - Satellite Of Love - How Do You Think It Feels? - Berlin - Temporary Thing - Ladies Pay - Heroin - White Light/White Heat
Set II
with Don Cherry (trumpet)
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
cotaper (5/4.3) flac / 3 B+ View  
Notes: 164 minutes
John (5/5) CDR/FLAC / 3 View  
Notes: Cdr from trade.aiff flac using Xact level 8
Nur Gale (4/5) CD / 2 B+ View   AUD
Notes: with Don Cherry (trumpet)
Chris Larson (3/5) / 0 View  
King of the Gypsies (2/5) / 0 View  
Earl Greaves (2/5) cdr / 3 View  
Earl Greaves (2/5) cdr / 3 View  
Notes: Sunshine upgrade
Andrew Long (2/4.8) flac16 / 2 View   Unknown
Stuart Ferguson (1/4.3) CDR / 2 View   Soundboard
Notes: DVD 107; lineage: Soundboard recording. Cdr from trade⇒.aiff ⇒flac using Xact level 8