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Medeski Martin & Wood 11/28/03
Recher Theater, Towson, MD
Set I
Big Time, Old Wyne, $10 High, long new tune (quieter/spacier in spots)> insane drum solo> Fire

Set II
Smoke> long crazy new tune> R&Bish new tune with organ> new tune with Latinish beginning and getting pretty jazzy, incl piano> new song with crazy 60'sish bassline, Moti Mo;
Last Changed By Dan Roninson
(21165) View Source   
mbho 603a/ka200n (on stand, ~ 15') > sound devices mp2 > sony sbm-1 @ 48k > sony tcd-d8 audio transfer: Conner CTD8000R-S - dat2wav 1.2 - sf4.5 (fades, tracking, downsample) - shntool - shn2k; taped/encoded by pwking; set 2 reencoded due to funky resampling glitch formerly present at d2t06 8:06 - 8:46. Note former bad d2.md5s shown for reference- if your copy matches the d2bad, you need the reseed
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