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Steve Kimock 11/13/04
Temple Ball Book Store, Carrboro, NC
Set I
Drone Improv
Blues Improv
Set II
Steve Kimock with Mike Babyak meet & greet / Acoustic Improvisation

Steve Kimock: Mohan Veena (Track 1); Regal Squareneck (Track 3)
Mike Babyak: London Koa Studios Weissenborn reproduction (Tracks 1 and 3)
Last Changed By Frankie Four Fingers
(27318) View Source    View Archive
Source: SoundField ST-250>Lunatec V3>Oade 7-pin>M1
Lineage: M1>oade 7-pin/coax>DIGI002 and Pro Tools 6.4- saved as Broadcast WAVE,-DC offset removed, tracked, MacFLAC'd, fingerprinted

(90086) View Source    View Archive
SBD + Aud > ? > FLAC
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