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Bob Dylan 07/30/84
The Bert Kleinman Interview, Aired as: Dylan on Dylan, NY
Set I
Rough Outline of 32 songs

House of the Risin' Sun
Talkin' New York - Blowin' in the wind
With God on our side - Song to Woody - The times they are a-changin' - Masters of war - All I really want to do
Gates of Eden - Maggie's farm - Subterranean homesick blues - Positively 4th Street
Just like Tom Thumb's blues - Like a rolling stone - Just like a woman
Tonight I'll be staying here with you - Rainy day women # 12 & 35 - All along the watchtower - Lay lady lay
It's alright ma (I'm only bleeding) - Tangled up in blue
Gotta serve somebody - Jokerman
Most like you go your way (And I'll go mine) - Knockin' on heaven's door - Rainy day women # 12 & 35
Like a rolling stone - Blowin' in the wind
Like a rolling stone - All along the watchtower
Set II
Conducted by Bert Kleinman at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in New York. Also present was old time friend Artie Mogull who in 1962 signed Dylan up with Witmark & Sons. Released on DYLAN ON DYLAN, Westwood One (Radio Station Discs), Nov 17 1984.

Dylan on Dylan

Aired: 17 November 1984

Original Interview by Bert Kleinman - Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New York, N.Y., July 30, 1984
Also present was old time friend Artie Mogull who in 1962 signed Dylan up with Witmark & Sons.
Last Changed By Dan Anderson
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