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Bob Dylan 04/24/05
Borgata Resort Spa & Casino Event Center, Atlantic City, NJ
Set I
Drifter's Escape
Love Minus Zero/No Limit
God Knows
Ring Them Bells
Watching The River Flow
Tryin' To Get To Heaven
Highway 61 Revisited
I Believe In You
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
Ballad of A Thin Man
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

Band Introductions
All Along The Watchtower
Set II
Band Members:
Bob Dylan - keyboard, harp
Stu Kimball - lead guitar
Denny Freeman - guitar
Donnie Herron - electric mandolin, pedal steel
Tony Garnier - bass
George Recile - drums
Last Changed By Ed Izsak
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