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Bob Dylan 04/25/05
Beacon Theatre, New York, NY
Set I
To Be Alone With You
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Visions Of Johanna
Cold Irons Bound
Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
High Water
Summer Days
Standing In The Doorway
Highway 61 Revisited
Desolation Row

E: Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
All Along The Watchtower
Set II
Bob Dylan - Vocals, Keyboard, Harmonica
Elena Fremerman - Violin
Stu Kimball - Guitar
Denny Freeman - Guitar
Donnie Herron - Pedal Steel Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar
Tony Garnier - Electric Bass
George Recile - Drums
Last Changed By djwilly
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