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Frank Zappa ??/??/86
Utility Muffin Research Kitchen, Hollywood, CA
Set I
Resolver ED
Big Sequence
Oral Sex At Gunpoint
Bondage (Maniac Mix)
Oral Sex At Gunpoint (Maniac Mix)
Brutality (Maniac Mix)
Set II
This disc is an unreleased Zappa album called, "Resolver + Brutality". It is an album of Synclavier music, originally recorded on a TDK SA-X 90 Cassette in 1986 by Zappa himself. All sourced boots of this disc are sourced from Zappa's original casstte copy that is extremely high in quality. The album can be split up into two parts, Tracks 1-2 are Resolver, Tracks 3-8 are Brutality.
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