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Bob Dylan 10/12/99
Dharma & Greg TV Show, Unknown, Unknown
Set I
Instrumental #1
Instrumental #2 (possibly The "bottleneck Polka" Copyrighted By Bob At Sesac)
Instrumental #3
End Dialogue
Set II
Two untitled instrumentals performed during episode 4 of season 3 of the US ABC TV comedy series "Dharma & Greg", first broadcast 12 Oct 1999 - not named individually but copyrighted as part of the collective work (information from Tim Dunn). Bob appears with a band including T-Bone Burnett, with Dharma (Jenna Elfman) playing drums

"Dharma & Greg" - US ABC TV comedy series broadcast from 1997 to 2002 - Bob appeared in the episode first broadcast on 12 Oct 1999 playing two unnamed instrumentals collectively copyrighted as Play Lady Play.
Last Changed By Dan Anderson
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