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Trey Anastasio 05/13/99
SUNY Binghamton Concert Theatre, Binghamton, NY
Set I
Farmhouse, Get Back on the Train, Driver, Guyute, Kissed By Mist*, You'll Know My Name**, Mountains in the Mist, Wading in the Velvet Sea, Brian and Robert, Billy Breathes***, Sleep***, Blue and Shiny****, Waste****
Set II
Gotta Jiboo, Wind Cries Mary, Will It Go Round In Circles, Windora Bug, Further On Up The Road, First Tube -> Sand, Ooh Child -> Drums Duel^, Smells Like Teen Spirit^^, Silicon Fairy^^^
Encore: I Can See Clearly Now, Last Tube, Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown^^^^
* - again dedicated to Julia Butterfly Hill, with story told about her
** - Trey talks about how he just learned about the "Pub Crawl" last night. It's where all of the seniors who are graduating this weekend, go to every bar in the town, and have one beer from each. He wants to play the seniors something, so he plays this song.
*** - Trey on piano
**** - with Tom Marshall on vocals
^ - with Trey on small kit
^^ - Trey says that they are going to do one more song to close the set, so everyone starts
screaming out their requests. As soon as it's quiet, and they're ready to go into "Silicon Fairy," someone screams out, "Teen Spirit" Trey quietly starts the opening chords, and then the rest of the band follows. They sing and play one verse, then end it laughing. Trey dedicates it to the guy who requested it.
^^^ - They all wish the best of luck to the folks graduating this weekend
^^^^ - dedicated to those Binghamton students participating in the senior pub crawl and would be catching the last hour after the show.
Last Changed By Becca
(3220) View Source   
Neumann U89 (cardiod setting )> Apogee [email protected]; DA-20mkII > Audio Magic Presto II > ZA2 > Soundforge > CDWav > SHN; Recorded by Gary Fox with Dan Estrin's mics; Transferred by Eric McRoberts
(120036) View Source   
Nakamichi 300 Mics W/CP4 Shotguns > Sony TC-D5M > Cassette Master; Sony TC-D5M > Edirol R-09 HR (24/44.1 KHZ) > CD Wave > Traders Little Helper > Flac Level 8; Taped By Dave Boedicker
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