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Phish 07/06/00
Molson Amphitheatre, Toronto, ON
Set I
Reba*, Dog Stole Things, Taste, Dog Faced Boy, Heavy Things, Moma Dance, First Tube, I Didn't Know, The In-law Josie Wales, Prince Caspian > Golgi Apparatus, You Enjoy Myself
Set II
Set II: Limb by Limb, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Bug, Piper, Driver, Harry Hood**, Loving Cup
E: The Squirming Coil
* - with whistling!
** - Trey commented on how beautiful Toronto is
Last Changed By Ben Mohr
(1049) View Source   
Schoeps CMC6/mk4v > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD1000 > D8 (30' split on each side of the SBD); D8 > Sonic Sense Digital Coaxial Cable > Montego II > CDWav > SHN; Taped (Patched) and transferred by Dan Solomon
(30097) View Source   
Schoeps CMC6/mk41 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Apogee AD-1000 > Tascam DA-P1 @44.1kHz (split 30'); DAT > Tascam DA-40 > M/Audio 2496 > Samplitude Studio 6.0 > FLAC
(120096) View Source   
flac16; (30' split) Schoeps cmc6/mk4v's > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > r8brain > CD Wave > FLAC; Taped by John Schmidt; Transferred by Terry Watts
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
shaun (5/5) CDR / 3 View  
Jason (5/0) CDR / 3 A View 1049
Christopher Scanlan (5/0) SHN / 0 View 1049
Gary Vogel (5/0) Verbatim / 3 A View   Schoeps MK64v's -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee AD1000 -> D8 (30 foot split on each side of the...
Jason Brudecki (5/0) CDR / 3 A View  
John Ferguson (5/0) wav / 3 A- A+ View   Schoeps MK64v/s > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD1000 > D* (30 Foot split on each side of the...
Eric Olstad (5/0) shn / 0 A View  
corey hovanec (5/0) cdr / 3 A- View  
blake (5/0) CDR / 3 View 1049 Schoeps MK64v's -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee AD1000 -> D8 (30 foot split on each side of the...
Notes: burned CDR from verfied etree SHNs
Jon Alvarez (5/0) / 0 View  
Natalie (5/0) cd / 3 View  
R. Ball (5/0) CDR / 3 A View  
Ryan Hinch (5/0) CDR / 3 A A View  
Clayton (5/0) shn / 2 View 1049
Jason Weinstein (5/0) / 0 View  
Darren Schreiber (5/4) CDR/SHN / 3 View   Schoeps MK64v's -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee AD1000 -> D8 (30 foot split on each side of the...
Mark Kupper (5/2) Analog / 2 A A View  
charles (5/5) cd / 3 View   Schoeps MK64v's>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD1000>D8
Chris Brand (5/5) SHN / 2 View 1049 Source: Schoeps MK64v's -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee AD1000 -> D8 (30 foot split on each side of the SBD)
Mike Gent (5/3) TDK / 3 A+ View   Schoeps MK64v's>Lunatec>Apogee AD1000>D-8>CD-R
Notes: Schoeps MK64v's>Lunatec>Apogee AD1000>D-8>CD-R
Chente (5/1.8) / 3 A+ View  
Notes: A great version of 2001 and also First Tube.
Jack Fisher (5/4.3) CDR / 3 A A View   DAUD
ZEBERT (5/0) CDR / 3 View  
Chris Supranowitz (5/5) CDR / 3 View   Schoeps MK64v's -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee AD1000 -> D8 (30 foot split on each side of the SBD)
Mike Fischer (5/4) shn / 2 View 1049
Notes: Schoeps MK64v's -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee AD1000 -> D8 (30 foot split on each side of the SBD); Transfer: D8 -> Sonic Sense Digital Coaxial Cable -> Montego II -> CD Wave Editor -> SHN; Taped (Patched) and Transfered By: Dan Solomon
Stephen Rodgers (5/0) audio / 3 View 1049 Schoeps MK64v's -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee AD1000 -> D8 (30 foot split on each side of the...
Notes: Schoeps MK64v's - Lunatec V2 - Apogee AD1000 - D8 (30 foot split on each side of the SBD)
Mike Fischer (5/4) shn / 2 View  
Notes: AKG C1000's transfer:[email protected]
Evan Burke =) (5/5) CDr / 3 A+ A+ View  
Notes: crazy 3rd disk
Brian (5/3.8) cdr / 3 A+ View  
Notes: Great Show, Page steals the end
Joe Twomey (5/0) CDR / 3 A View