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U2 ??/??/87
Justin Herman Plaza, San Francisco, CA
Set I
Set II
"All Along the Watchtower", from the film Rattle & Hum, was recorded here in front of what many consider to be the ugliest sculpture in the city. Bono spray painted "Rock & Roll" & "Stop the Traffic" on the sculpture as vehicles on the overhead highways were stopping to watch. They were required to make a formal apology and charges were almost filed against Bono. I was lucky to be there as I was working at Winterland at the time as a t-shirt artist and the boss came out and said, "U2 is going to play a few blocks away at the Plaza, go on down!". So, the whole place dropped what they were doing and we ran down there in time to catch this unannounced freebie!
Last Changed By OneGratefulDad
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Bummer. No one with their list here has that show :(