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Bob Dylan ??/??/64
"Dr. Zimmermans Original Old Time Hootenany", Compilation, Compilation
Set I
A-1-The Times They Are A Changin'

A-2-Bob Dylan's Dream

A-3-Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll

A-4-Girl From The North Country

A-5-A Hard Rains A Gonna Fall


B-1-Troubled And I Don't Know Why

B-2-Blowin' In The Wind

C-1-If I Had Wings

C-2-Living The Blues In The Evening

C-3-Long John

D-1-Who You Really Are

D-2-Bob Dylan's Dream


D-4-If I Could Do It All Over You

D-5-Keep Your Hands Off Her

D-6-Used To Do

D-7-Going Back To Rome



A: Quest TV, Canada 1964

B: Live with Joan Baez 1964

C: Wings 1962

D: Turner's Basement 1963
Set II
Performed in the United States and Canada
Last Changed By Holden Caulfield
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