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Bob Dylan ??/??/65
Give The Anarchist A Cigarette, Compilation, Compilation
Set I
she belongs to me
it's all over now baby blue
mr tambourine man
tombstone blues
baby let me follow you down
Maggie's farm
it ain't me babe
positively 4th street
like a rolling stone
tombstone blues
I don't believe you
baby let me follow you down
ballad of a thin man
just like tom thumbs blues
long distance operator
it ain't me babe
Set II
(Tracks 1-9)
Bushnell Memorial Auditorium
Hartford Connecticut, Oct. 30, 1965
(Tracks 10-13)
The Crown, Chicago, IL, Nov. 26, 1965
(Tracks 14-16)
Berkeley Community Theater, Dec. 4, 1965

Last Changed By sean hite
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