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Medeski Martin & Wood 07/08/11
North Sea Jazz Festival (Congo Stage), Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Set I
One Set: "Unknown North Sea Soulbop"* (w/ Bass'n'Drums/Bass), Clav Intro > Tit for Tat* (w/ Drum Solo), Junkyard+, Dixie Hop*, Bass Solo > Bemsha Swing/Lively Up Yourself^, Cool Eddie*
Set II


Medeski Martin & Wood + Soulbop
One set only

* Soulbop tune -- I'm not certain about the title for track #2 - dug
+ MMW tune
^ medley -- part of MMW's repertoire

- Soulbop -
Bill Evans - alto & soprano sax
Randy Brecker - trumpet
- MMW -
John Medeski - keys
Billy Martin - drums
Chris Wood - basses
Last Changed By duggy
(128696) View Source   
flac16; Source: Source: DPA 4060 > DPA MPS6030 > (Oade) Marantz PMD-620; Tracking/Encoding: 24bit WAV > WaveLab 6.11 (downsampling/tracking/fades) > Trader’s Little Helper (fix SBEs + FLAC Level 8) > MP3Tag (ID tags)
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