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Bob Dylan 12/12/65
Civic Auditorium, San Jose, CA
Set I
She Belongs To Me
To Ramona
Gates Of Eden
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Desolation Row
Love Minus Zero - No Limit
Mr Tambourine Man
Interval Conversation
Set II
Tombstone Blues
I Don't Believe You.
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Long Distance Operator
It Ain't Me, Babe
Ballad Of A Thin Man
Positively 4th Street
Like A Rolling Stone
Allen Ginsberg recording. Circulates with snippets of backstage conversation, etc.

These tapes evidently came from the Stanford University library’s department of special collections, which administers a large archive of the poet’s papers. The library publicized the existence of the recordings in a blog post in 2015, accurately touting them as documents of “a transformational time in Dylan’s performances.” Though the library has digitized over 2,000 recordings from the Ginsberg papers, the Dylan shows still aren’t officially available online–until last week, you had to physically travel to the library to hear them. This marks the first time the tapes have become available for the wide listening public. -August 2017
Last Changed By robert
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