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Bob Dylan 01/??/65
Columbia Studios, New York, NY
Set I
Phantom Engineer (early version "It Takes A Lot...") 6/15/65
Sittin On A Barbed Wire Fence (outtake aka "Killing Me Alive) 6/15/65
I Wanna Be Your Lover (outtake) 10/20/65
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window (unr 1st version) 7/30/65
If You Gotta Go, Go Now (first electric version, mono mix) 1/15/65
I Wanna Be Your Partner (outtake...early "I Wanna Be Your Lover") 10/5/65
She's Your Lover Now (outtake - electric version) 1/21/66
Visions of Johanna (unreleased first electric version 11/30/65
Desolation Row (unreleased electric "boiled guts of birds" version) 8/2/65
From A Buick Six (first of 2 electric versions - this from "mistake" 1st
press of "H61 Revisited" LP) 7/30/65
Jet Pilot (outtake...aka "Jet Pilot Eyes") 10/5/65
Number One (instrumental) 1/27/66
Lunatic Princess Revisited (improv outtake) 6/16/65
Midnight Train (outtake aka "Medicine Sunday") 10/5/65
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window (rehearsal 2nd released version) 10/5/65
Visions of Johanna (unreleased 2nd electric version) 1/21/66
Tombstone Blues (alt version w/Chambers Bros backing vocals) 7/29/65
Queen Jane Approximately (outtake) 8/2/65
Like A Rolling Stone (rehearsal version) 6/15/65
Set II
Subterranean Homesick Blues (acoustic version) 1/13/65
You Don't Have To Do That (outtake) 1/13/65
I'll Keep It With Mine (outtake) 1/13/65
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (acoustic version) 1/13/65
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (alternate version) 1/13/65
She Belongs To Me (alternate version) 1/13/65
To Ramona (live Sheffield, UK) 4/30/65
Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (live Royal Albert Hall, UK) 5/10/65
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (live Newcastle, UK) 5/6/65
It Ain't Me Babe (live Royal Albert Hall, UK) 5/10/65
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (live Royal Albert, UK) 5/10/65
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Les Crane Show, NY City w/Bruce Langhorne on
electric guitar and complete interview) 2/17/65
It's Alright Ma, It's 'Life & Life Only' (same as above)
Last Changed By Greg Yurkovic
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