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Jeff Tweedy 01/08/03
The Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL
Set I
Airline To Heaven
Not For The Season
Hesitating Beauty
Box Full Of Letters
Jesus, Etc.
Someday Some Morning Sometime
She's A Jar
I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
I'm The Man Who Loves You
Heavy Metal Drummer
Set II
In A Future Age
Chinese Apple
Hoodoo Voodoo
We've Been Had
Casino Queen
Please Tell My Brother
Red-Eyed And Blue
I Got You (At The End Of The Century)
Bob Dylan's 49th Beard
Lost Love
Be Not So Fearful
Last Changed By Tom Wilder
(14414) View Source   
AT831>SP Batt Box> Sharp MD SR60
(14609) View Source   
(14960) View Source   
AKG C1000 S's w/ PPC 1000 > Graham-Patten DMIC-20 (44.1 kHz) > Dat
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